Eon Bookstore - at Book City in Shenzhen - the place to go for English books

There are not a great many places in Shenzhen where you can get books in English. The best place, by far, is Eon Books, which is located in the Book City complex. Indeed, the only other choice for me (an avid book reader) is to purchase books through jd.com or taobao.com To be candid, you can buy books online for less expensive prices, but I like going to Eon just to see what's there. Often if you purchase online you need to know what you want ahead of time. At Eon you can browse around and see what is available. They really do a nice job of presenting their books. There is a huge selection of children's books and academic books that a teacher at an international school or bilingual school might be able to use. When I taught at a bilingual school, I often came to Eon to get workbooks that I might photocopy worksheets from in English for my English speaking students. As you can see to the left, below, they have a number of places folks can sit and read. They also have a coffee...